short dog design
307.690.6366 / 307.733.0700 / JACKSON, WYOMING
the short dog mantra
A short dog is the best partner because he’s well-grounded.
Since he’s not the biggest dog on the block, he doesn’t have his head in the clouds and he can focus on the task at hand.
Trustworthy, reasonable, and open to suggestions are a short dog’s qualities.
When a dog is tall and mighty, he’s often difficult to handle.
A short dog always has his nose to the ground, sniffing out new possibilities and interesting avenues.
If a short dog can’t immediately reach what he has his eye on, he’ll figure out another way to accomplish the goal.
Creative thinking is this dog’s greatest asset.
And finally, a short dog is always ready to listen, no matter what you want to say.
I'd love to chat with you about any graphic design, advertising or website needs.
307.690.6366 c 307.733.0700